If you are a recipient of Latvian unemployment benefits and you have been issued Form U2 ‘Maintaining the Right to Unemployment Benefits’ (hereinafter – Form U2) by the State Social Insurance Agency (hereinafter – the SIAA), then you have the right to request Form S1 from the National Health Service of the Republic of Latvia (hereinafter – the NHS) in order to receive healthcare services in the Member State to which you are going in search of work, the costs of which will be covered from the State budget funds of Latvia. Form S1 is issued for a period not exceeding the expiry date for receiving unemployment benefits indicated in Form U2.

Main criteria to issue Form S1:

  • the person is not socially insured (employed) in Latvia, but the person’s permanent place of residence is in another Member State;
  • the person must indicate in the application the address of the place of stay in the Member State for which the form is requested.

Dependent family members of an unemployed person who do not work and do not receive a pension in any Member State are entitled to receive Form S1 .


How to receive Form S1:

In order to receive Form S1, the following documents must be submitted to the NHS:

If the person is a minor, it is necessary to fill in:


Submitting the application to receive Form S1:

  • in person, by filling out an application at the NHS Client Service Centre;
  • by post;
  • by email, signing the application with a secure e-signature;
  • using e-address.


Important information:

  • The issued Forms S1 are in Latvian and do not need to be translated as they are a single document in all Member States;
  • In order for Form S1 to be valid, it must be registered with the competent national health insurance institution in the country of residence;
  • Form S1 confirms a person’s right to receive state-guaranteed healthcare services to the extent determined by the country of residence.
  • The person is obliged to inform the Service immediately in writing if there are any changes in the information provided in the submission requesting Form S1.


Legal basis for issuing Form S1:

  • Regulation (EC) No 883/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the coordination of social security systems;